Brett Barley

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Brett Barley holding a fish on a Sea-Doo

Age: 32 years old

Hometown: Buxton, North Carolina

Current Sea-Doo Model: GTI SE

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How did your interest in PWCs start?
I used them for surfing big days at home, just to fight the current. Then got heavily into fishing off of them in 2014 or so, during the summer months.

What are your favorite activities on the water?
Honestly it's hard to beat riding on a clean glassy day on my Sea-Doo and sight casting Cobia. But I love taking my family out and seeing how stoked the kids are on riding around, and tubing!

Who makes up your typical riding crew?
Majority of the time I'm solo. Run-n-gun when the weather is right to snag fish and get home. I love the time alone out on the water.

Favorite place to ride?
The Gulf Stream...deep dark blue water so clear you can see fish way down.

Dream place to ride?
The Bahamas

Describe your life away from the water:
Sitting at my computer editing Youtube & Instagram videos, drinking coffee.

What’s your one must-have accessory for your Sea-Doo?
LinQ 51L Cooler! I feel weird if I'm going riding without it. Whether I'm toting food/water, or just ice to put fish in it, or using it as a dry box to house my camera gear...the big LinQ Cooler is synonymous with my time on the water.

What’s one innovation you’d like to see on a Sea-Doo that doesn’t currently exist?
Deployable Trolling Motor

Favorite place to eat?
Out on the water with my wife. Pulling food out of the cooler and eating out on the water away from everyone is the best.

First artist you add to your play list?

Celebrity or person you’d most like to ride with?