How is the Sea‑Doo SWITCH Different from other Pontoon Boats?

Sea-Doo Switch Cruise on a lake

If you’re wondering how to choose a pontoon boat that’s perfect for your crew and your lifestyle, maybe it’s time to consider one that is revolutionizing the boating world. Enter the Sea-Doo SWITCH: The pontoon boat with a heart of a Sea-Doo that can easily adapt to any adventure, growing family or changing interests on the water. Let’s take a look at what makes the SWITCH such a unique pontoon.

A pontoon with versatility

Can one pontoon boat really fit all the needs of your family and friends for any adventure out on the water? The Sea-Doo SWITCH answer is emphatically, “Yes!” We understand that families grow, circles of friends and interests change over time. You shouldn’t need to get a new boat every time life takes a turn. Sea-Doo SWITCH pontoons are designed with a one-of-a-kind adaptability built right in. It’s the pontoon boat that changes right along with you as your lifestyle evolves.

The floor of the SWITCH deck is made up of individual tiles instead of carpet or vinyl, like you see on other pontoon boat models. These tiles allow you to add, remove or rearrange things like seats, tables and storage accessories for the ideal floor plan. And it’s all done with the flip of a lever - no tools required.

This unique feature allows you to adapt to any adventure you want in just minutes. Fishing for the day? Remove a couple chairs for a spacious casting platform. Picking up friends for an evening cruise? Just add an extra table so you’ve got more room for refreshments. It’s really that easy.

The most innovative pontoon boat accessories

Taking the patented SWITCH versatility to the next level is a full line of accessories that let you adapt the adventure even further. From rail-mounted wakeboard racks that free up floor space, to fully screened in enclosures, to innovative LinQ and LinQ lite cargo options, each is designed to make every step of the SWITCH experience flawless.

If you’re new to Sea-Doo, you’ll want to get to know the LinQ accessory options. The genius behind LinQ is its simplicity and versatility. With rigid or soft sided storage options and coolers available in a variety of sizes, they make getting to and from the water simple. Best of all, they attach directly to various places on the SWITCH with the flip of a lever. Various accessories can be mounted to floor tiles, swim platforms, railings or seatbacks, saving valuable floor space. And they lock in place so they won’t slide around the deck while you’re underway.

The new generation of pontoon boats

One of the most unique features of SWITCH pontoons is their jet propulsion system and handlebar steering. Although it’s much different from your traditional pontoon, the Switch drives with the same intuitiveness as a Sea-Doo Personal Watercraft. It even features Sea-Doo’s Intelligent Brake and Reverse system, making it the only pontoon on the water with brakes. And if you think you’ll need to squeeze the throttle the entire time, think again. SWITCH also features a cruise control so you can sit back and relax.

The SWITCH pontoon hull construction is also unique. It uses a tri-toon design in which the outer pontoons sit slightly higher than the middle. This enables you to enjoy a gentle cruise or wick up the fun with runabout-like handling at higher speeds. And it’s made of an ultra-durable, lightweight Polytec material that’ll last for many years of fun and adventure.

Finally, the SWITCH is a total package. Where other pontoon boat models require you to choose a pontoon, then add an outboard engine and a trailer at additional costs, the Sea-Doo SWITCH includes these items in their upfront pricing. No surprises at the dealership. It’s just one more way Sea-Doo SWITCH makes choosing a pontoon boat that’s right for you a little easier.

Frequently asked questions

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