Can I leave my Sea-Doo SWITCH Pontoon docked in the water?

Sea-Doo Wave

The Sea-Doo SWITCH Pontoon has changed the way people see the water. New possibilities await on every ride and there’s never been more potential adventure. Along with a full serving of excitement, those who are passionate about life on the water have a full assortment of questions. One of the most common we hear: Can you leave Sea-Doo SWITCH pontoons docked in the water for an extended period of time?

The best practice is to remove your SWITCH from the water after each use – either kept on a trailer or a boat lift when not in use. The main reason for this recommendation: It’s much easier to properly clean and care for your SWITCH pontoon when it’s out of the water. In particular, after use in saltwater, your SWITCH needs to be completely removed from the water and thoroughly rinsed and the cooling system flushed to reduce the potential for corrosion-causing salt to cause damage.

There are times where a SWITCH owner may choose to leave their pontoon in the water for a short period of time. Let’s look at a few additional considerations should an owner make the choice to leave their SWITCH in the water when not in use.

First, storing your SWITCH in the water will result in the need for more frequent deep cleanings to remove algae buildup and other marine life. Keeping your SWITCH stationary in the water for extended periods of time allows small marine contaminants to work their way into critical components of your SWITCH. Silt, sand, and other debris, or small species like Zebra Mussels may find a home where they can cause premature wear or significant damage to the SWITCH pump and cooling systems.

People unloading their Sea-Doo SWITCH


Second, maintaining your SWITCH will most likely require a bit more effort should you choose to leave your SWITCH in the water. Marine environments can be very harsh on mechanical components, and they will likely need to be more carefully inspected at more frequent intervals and potentially need replacement at a more rapid pace.

No matter if you’re using your SWITCH in fresh water or salt water, it is always recommended to store your SWITCH out of the water – either on a trailer or a lift. This makes it much easier for you to ensure everything is clean, in good condition and ready for the next ride.

Sea-Doo SWITCH Pontoon on a trailer before launching


Wherever your next Sea-Doo SWITCH adventure takes you, proper care is key to getting the most out of every ride. Be sure to check out the recommended range of XPS Sea-Doo care products specially formulated for the unique finishes and materials on your Sea-Doo SWITCH. We’ll see you out on the water.

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