How to launch and load your Sea‑Doo SWITCH?

Yellow Sea-Doo Switch Pontoon on a trailer

We know the feeling – you just picked up your new Sea-Doo SWITCH Pontoon and you can’t wait to get it out on the water! There’s no doubt you’ll be sharing some incredible Sea-Doo life moments with friends and family in the near future. Before you begin making those amazing memories, we’ve got a few tips that will help you understand how to launch and load your Sea-Doo SWITCH Pontoon like a pro.

Friends pulling a Sea-Doo pontoon out of the water

Before your SWITCH heads to the launch

Your next epic day on the water can be over before it begins if you don’t cover a few basic items before you leave your driveway.

Before you set out on your next day on the water, it’s important to make sure you’ve got the proper licensing, permits and insurance for your pontoon and trailer, if required. This varies by location, so double check requirements with the local regulating organization. In many cases, you can complete and pay for any registration documents online and print off temporary documentation that will still allow you to head to the water that day.

You’ll also need to make sure you’ve got all necessary safety equipment properly stored on board. A properly sized marine fire extinguisher is required as are personal flotation devices (PFD’s) for all passengers on board. A throwable flotation device is also required on board in most locations. Your local Sea-Doo dealer can help make sure you’re legally ready to ride with all the right equipment.

Don’t forget things like dock lines for tying up, anchors for those beaches and sandbars, a cooler of refreshments and a couple of towels in case you decide to jump in!

Trailering your Sea-Doo SWITCH

With everything packed and ready to roll, doublecheck that you’ve got your SWITCH key tether. Also take a quick look at your trailer tires to make sure they’re properly inflated, and check to make sure your SWITCH trailer is properly coupled to your tow vehicle. Having a second person on hand to ensure trailer lights are functioning properly will make getting on the road faster. Your next stop should be to top off with fuel if you haven’t already, and don’t forget to top off those coolers with ice.

Arriving at the boat launch

Upon arriving at the launch, some regions require you to washdown your SWITCH before putting it in the water. Doublecheck those regulations and pull off for a quick rinse if needed to ensure you’re not giving any aquatic invasive species a free lift to a new body of water.

Next, pull off to the side, check that your drain plug is properly installed and load anything from your vehicle onto your SWITCH. Remove any covers, tie-down straps and position your docking fenders if you have them. Attach docking lines to the cleats so they’re ready to go and connect a lead line (usually a long rope) to the rear of the SWITCH so you can pull it free from the trailer.

Launching your SWITCH

When it’s your turn to launch, unplug the trailer lights, pull around and through your launch lane far enough to give yourself a straight approach backing into the water. The best advice here is to take your time. It may take a couple tries to back into the water, and that’s perfectly OK. The more you launch and load your SWITCH, the better you’ll get at backing the trailer.

As you back the trailer into the water, have another member of your crew hold the lead line and walk onto the dock as you go. Remember, boat ramps are often very slippery. Use caution moving around the launch area.

Back far enough into the water so the rear of the SWITCH just begins to float. Put your vehicle in “park” and set the parking brake before you do anything else. With the parking brake set, you can exit the vehicle and disconnect the trailer winch line from the front of the SWITCH. Once disconnected, have the second person pull the SWITCH free from the trailer with the lead line connected to the rear of the pontoon.

Float the SWITCH clear of the immediate launch area so others can launch their boats while you’re parking your vehicle.

Before you go

Prior to beginning your Sea-Doo SWITCH adventure, it’s a good idea to open the engine compartment access and run the blower for a few minutes. This will remove any gas fumes that may cause a potential hazard. One person can do this while the other parks the vehicle.

Before leaving the dock, give yourself one last check to make sure you’ve got enough PFDs for everyone, all the gear you need is on board and your path away from the dock is clear. That’s it! Let the good times on the water roll!

Loading your Sea-Doo SWITCH

When the day’s adventures are done and you return to the launch, dock your SWITCH clear of the immediate launch area while one of your crew members retrieves the vehicle and trailer. If you’re waiting with the SWITCH, doublecheck bimini tops are lowered, and any loose items are properly secured before loading.

When it’s your turn to load, back the trailer into the water using the same process as you did to launch. While the trailer is backing in, have another person position the SWITCH for loading and connect a lead line to the bow.

With the trailer in position, pull the SWITCH in line with the trailer bunks and connect the winch strap. Crank the pontoon up until it’s securely in place on the trailer. Slowly pull the SWITCH and trailer out of the water and clear of the launch. Park off out of the way and remove the drain plug and any weeds or other aquatic life off the trailer and pontoons. If there’s a washdown station available, give your SWITCH a quick rinse to remove any aquatic life you may have missed.

Remove any item from your SWITCH that might blow out as head down the road for home. Be dock lines, PFDs, bumpers and other items are properly stored. Once you arrive back home, give your SWITCH a good scrubbing so you’re ready to look your best for your next adventure!

Frequently asked questions

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  • Vehicle Information
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